Do you own or manage a short-term accommodation property?
What is the name of your property
What is your Website Address?
Describe your property
Number of units available to let out?
Are you actively managing and responding to both positive and negative Google reviews for your property?
Yes, we respond to all reviews.
We only respond to positive reviews.
We only respond to negative reviews.
No, we do not respond to reviews.
Not sure / Need help with thi
When was your current website built or last significantly updated?
Less than 1 year ago
1-3 years ago
5 years ago
Over 5 years ago
Not sure
How would you describe your website's performance?
Fast-loading, mobile-optimised, and user-friendly
Decent but could use improvements
Slow, outdated, and difficult to navigate
Not sure
How would you describe your current social media strategy?
We post regularly and have a clear strategy in place
We post occasionally but without a structured plan
We rarely post and don’t have a clear strategy
We don’t use social media for marketing
Who currently manages your social media content?
In-house marketing team
A third-party agency
The property manager or owner
We don’t have a dedicated person for social media
Are you currently running paid ads for your property?
Yes, we run Google Ads
Yes, we run Facebook/Instagram Ads
Yes, we run both Google and social media ads
No, we are not running any paid ads
Not sure
How much do you currently spend on paid advertising per month?
Less than $500
$500 - $2,000
$2,000 - $5,000
Not sure
What is your name?
What is your email address?
What is your best number?